2023-2024 Course Information

WB33 CTE Advanced Studies HOSP

Course NumberWB33
Course TitleCTE Advanced Studies HOSP
Course DescriptionThis culminating course is for juniors and seniors who have earned two technical credits, one of which is a completer course, in one Career Pathway. The Advanced Studies course must augment the content of the completer course and prepare students for success in transitioning to postsecondary education and future careers. Students work under the guidance of a teacher with expertise in the content of the completer course in collaboration with community members, business representatives, and other school-based personnel. The four parts of the course include writing a research paper, producing a product, developing a portfolio, and delivering a presentation. Students demonstrate their abilities to use 21st century skills. Competitive events, community service, and leadership activities provide the opportunity to apply essential standards and workplace readiness skills through authentic experiences.
Course StatusPilot
Course TypeDeveloped
POL (Proof of Learning)PBM (Performance-based Measurement)
Credential as POLN/A
Curriculum DateSummer 2023
Hours of Instruction120 minimum
Recommended Maximum Enrollment25
Course Credit1
Inherently HonorsNo
Math Option CreditNo
Prerequisite Course(s)Two technical credits in one Career Pathway
Career Cluster(s)N/A
Pathway Level(s)N/A
Work-based LearningApprenticeship
Business and Industry Field Trip
Cooperative Education
Entrepreneurial Experience
Job Shadowing
School-based Enterprise
Service Learning
Aligned Credential(s) or Certification(s)N/A
(Career and Technical Student Organization)
An Association for Marketing Education Students (DECA)
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)
SOC (Standard Occupational Classification) Code(s)Food Service Managers (11-9051)
Lodging Managers (11-9081)