2024-2025 Course Information

IK88 Electronics I

Course NumberIK88
Course TitleElectronics I
Course DescriptionThis course covers Direct Current (DC) basics and is aligned to the Electronic Technicians Association (ETA) EM1 certification. Topics include basic electrical theory, magnetism, safety, electronic equipment, electronic components, Ohms Law, Mathematics for electronics, electronic measurements, series circuits, parallel circuits, series/parallel circuits, and battery power supplies. This course helps prepare students for ETA certification in Digital and Direct Current.
Course StatusLCO
Course TypeAdapted
POL (Proof of Learning)Credential
Credential as POLETA EM1
Curriculum DateSummer 2023
Hours of Instruction135-150
Recommended Maximum Enrollment25
Course Credit1
Inherently HonorsNo
Meets Computer Science RequirementNo
Math Option CreditNo
Prerequisite Course(s)None
Career Cluster(s)N/A
Pathway Level(s)N/A
Aligned Credential(s) or Certification(s)ETA EM1
(Career and Technical Student Organization)
SOC (Standard Occupational Classification) Code(s)Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologists and Technicians (17-3023)
Electrical and Electronics Repairers, Commercial and Industrial Equipment (49-2094)
Semiconductor Processing Technicians (51-9141)