2023-2024 Course Information

BL53 Develop in Swift Fundamentals

Course NumberBL53
Course TitleDevelop in Swift Fundamentals
Course DescriptionStudents build fundamental iOS app development skills with Swift. Students are supported in learning the core concepts and practices that Swift programmers use daily and build a basic fluency in Xcode source and UI editors. Students will be able to create iOS apps that adhere to standard practices, including the use of stock UI elements and layouts. Strong communication skills are necessary and English language arts, mathematics, and computer science standards are reinforced.
Course StatusStandard
Course TypeAdopted
POL (Proof of Learning)Credential
Credential as POLApp Development with Swift Certified User
Curriculum DateSummer 2021
Hours of Instruction135-150
Recommended Maximum Enrollment25
Course Credit1
Inherently HonorsYes
Math Option CreditNo
Prerequisite Course(s)None
Career Cluster(s)Information Technology (INFO)
Pathway Level(s)AP Computer Science (APCS) - Supplemental Technical
Computer Science Principles (CSPR) - Supplemental Technical
Python Programming (PYPR) - Supplemental Technical
Swift Develop (SWDV) - Concentrator
Work-based LearningApprenticeship
Business and Industry Field Trip
Cooperative Education
Entrepreneurial Experience
Job Shadowing
School-based Enterprise
Service Learning
Aligned Credential(s) or Certification(s)App Development with Swift Certified User
(Career and Technical Student Organization)
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
Technology Student Association (TSA)
SOC (Standard Occupational Classification) Code(s)Computer Network Support Specialists (15-1231)
Computer Programmers (15-1251)
Desktop Publishers (43-9031)
Software Developers (15-1252)
Web Developers (15-1254)