2023-2024 Course Information

CN97 NAFTrack Certification

Course NumberCN97
Course TitleNAFTrack Certification
Course DescriptionNone
Course StatusStandard
Course TypeNone
POL (Proof of Learning)Credential
Credential as POLNAFTrack
Curriculum DateNAF
Hours of Instruction135-150
Recommended Maximum EnrollmentNone
Course Credit0
Inherently HonorsNo
Math Option CreditNo
Prerequisite Course(s)None
Career Cluster(s)N/A
Pathway Level(s)N/A
Work-based LearningNone
Aligned Credential(s) or Certification(s)NAFTrack
(Career and Technical Student Organization)
SOC (Standard Occupational Classification) Code(s)High School/Secondary Certificates, Other. (N/A)