2023-2024 Course Standards

Essential standards (highlighted in green below) are big, powerful ideas that are necessary and essential for students to know to be successful in a course. Essential standards identify the appropriate verb and cognitive process intended for the student to accomplish. Essential standards provide value throughout a student's career, in other courses, and translate to the next level of education or world of work.

Objectives/Indicators (rows not highlighted in green below) provide another level of detail for each Essential Standard.

Adapted or Adopted Course includes essential standards and, in many cases, specific objectives/indicators aligned with business and industry standards and/or criteria for credentials or certifications. The course standards are designed using the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy (RBT). If the POL is a CTE State Assessment, the course is written at the level of the ESSENTIAL STANDARD and assesses the intended outcome of the sum of its objectives/indicators.

The six NC Essential Employability Skills are Communication, Ethics, Problem Solving, Professionalism, Resource Management, and Teamwork. These skills are covered among the course essential standards and objectives/indicators as listed beside each. NC CTE curriculum provides and supports career awareness, career exploration, career development, technical skill development, and career readiness where six Essential Employability Skills are included in CTE Curriculum Standards. CTE builds a career and college ready workforce through the K-12 pipeline and provides a consistent and 'common language' for identification of the six Essential Employability Skills.

Career and Technical Education conducts all activities and procedures without regard to race, color, creed, national origin, gender, or disability. The responsibility to adhere to safety standards and best professional practices is the duty of the practitioners, teachers, students, and/or others who apply the contents of this document.

This blueprint has been reviewed by business and industry representatives for technical content and appropriateness for the industry.

Column information
  • Standard/Obj #: The essential standard is denoted by the digits before the dot; objectives/indicators are indicated by the final 2 digits.
  • Standard: Essential standard and specific objective/indicator statements per essential standard. Each essential standard statement or specific objective/indicator begins with an action verb and makes a complete sentence when combined with The learner will be able to... Outcome behavior in each essential standard or objective/indicator statement is denoted by the verb plus its object.
  • Course Weight: Shows the relative importance of each essential standard or objective/indicator. Course weight is used to help determine the percentage of total class time that is spent on each objective/indicator.
  • RBT Designation: Classification of outcome behavior in essential standards and indicator statements in Dimensions according to the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy:
    Cognitive Process Dimension: 1 Remember, 2 Understand, 3 Apply, 4 Analyze, 5 Evaluate, 6 Create.
    Knowledge Dimension: A Factual Knowledge, B Conceptual Knowledge, C Procedural Knowledge.

IM32 Electronics II

Course Type: Adapted

Standard/Obj #Standard/ObjectiveCourse WeightRBT DesignationEssential Employability Skills
1.00Basic Digital Safety Precautions10%--
1.10Describe digital electronics safe practices and standards.---
1.20Describe electrical shock, causes, and emergency responses.---
1.30Describe static causes, electrostatic discharge (ESD), and CMOS damage prevention straps, matts, high resistance and grounding.---
1.40Define Fire Safety.---
2.00Digital Concepts10%--
2.10Explain the principles of digital electronics.---
2.20Identify the fundamental differences between digital and analog.---
2.30Define the term 'discrete levels' when applied to digital.---
2.40Explain the difference between an undefined transient state and a digital logic high or low---
2.50Explain the functional concepts of an 'active high' and 'active low' state---
2.60Describe the meaning of TTL - transistor-transistor logic, CMOS - complementary metal oxide semiconductor, and FET - field-effect transistor.---
2.70Describe proper supply voltage ranges for TTL and CMOS.---
3.00Numbering Systems and Conversions20%--
3.10Identify numbering system characteristics---
3.20Describe essential elements of the binary, octal and hexadecimal numbering systems---
3.30Convert decimal to binary, octal and hexadecimal---
3.40Convert Octal to decimal, binary and hexadecimal---
3.50Convert hexadecimal to decimal, binary and octal---
3.60Explain how to add binary numbers---
3.70Explain the difference between Binary-Coded-Decimal and binary---
3.80Briefly explain Boolean algebra:---
3.90Briefly explain the principle of Gray Code (aka Cyclic Code)---
4.00Schematic and Wiring Diagrams10%--
4.10Identify common digital electrical/electronic schematic symbols---
4.20Identify the purpose and use of test points---
4.30Explain the methods of using flow diagrams/charts---
4.40Explain how block diagrams are used for troubleshooting and maintenance of digital electronics---
5.00Theory of Digital Logic Functions and Circuitry30%--
5.10Describe ASCII code (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)---
5.11Describe MOS, CMOS, transistor logic functions---
5.12Explain the purpose of wave shaping in digital logic circuits---
5.13Explain Digital to Analog conversion (DA)---
5.14Explain Analog to Digital conversion (AD)---
5.20Identify each basic digital gate---
5.30Identify combinational logic devices---
5.40Describe counter characteristics---
5.50Describe shift register characteristics---
5.60Explain the purpose of flip-flops---
5.70Explain the purpose of digital electronic circuitry buses---
5.80List types of display circuitry and describe how numbers and letters are activated digitally---
5.90Explain the purpose of digital oscillator circuits---
6.00Computer System Electronics15%--
6.10Describe the major sections of a computer---
6.11Describe the use of microcontrollers (MCU)---
6.12Describe microprocessor functions---
6.20Describe basic programming concepts---
6.30Describe the reasons for different computer languages and their relationships---
6.40Describe different types of computer memory---
6.50Define these memory formats: ROM, RAM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, and EAPROM.---
6.60Explain the importance of databuses---
6.70Describe bandwidth in correlation to various databuses---
6.80Define 'peripheral device' and list various types---
6.90Explain the reasons for using interface devices/chips/cards and name common types---
7.00Test Equipment and Measurements5%--
7.10Explain how to properly use a digital multimeter when servicing digital electronics---
7.20List the uses and precautions for logic test probes---
7.30Explain how logic pulsers are used---
7.40Explain how to use a dual-trace oscilloscope and probes---
7.50Discuss the need and proper uses of a digital signal generator---
7.60Explain the functions of a logic analyzer---
7.70Explain the importance of calibration---