2025-2026 Course Information

WARNING: This information is considered DRAFT until August 22, 2025.

ID10 Drone Technology Fundamentals

Course NumberID10
Course TitleDrone Technology Fundamentals
Course DescriptionExplore the basic skills and knowledge needed to be a recreational drone pilot. Develop a sectional chart using legends for planned drone mission flights. Develop a basic program to conduct an autonomous flight using small drones in the classroom. Gain the knowledge, skills, and industry credentials for careers in drone technology.
Course Lead ConsultantDavid Barbour
Course StatusStandard
Course TypeAdapted
POL (Proof of Learning)PBM (Performance-based Measurement)
Credential as POLN/A
Curriculum DateSummer 2023
Hours of Instruction135-150
Recommended Maximum Enrollment25
Course Credit1
Inherently HonorsNo
Meets Computer Science (CS) Graduation RequirementNo
Math Option CreditNo
Prerequisite Course(s)None
Aligned Credential(s) or Certification(s)FAA Trust
(Career and Technical Student Organization)
An Association for Marketing Education Students (DECA)
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
HOSA - Future Health Professionals
North Carolina FFA Association
Technology Student Association (TSA)
The National FFA Organization