2025-2026 Course Information
WARNING: This information is considered DRAFT until August 22, 2025.
ID10 Drone Technology Fundamentals
Course Number | ID10 |
Course Title | Drone Technology Fundamentals |
Course Description | Explore the basic skills and knowledge needed to be a recreational drone pilot. Develop a sectional chart using legends for planned drone mission flights. Develop a basic program to conduct an autonomous flight using small drones in the classroom. Gain the knowledge, skills, and industry credentials for careers in drone technology. |
Course Lead Consultant | David Barbour david.barbour@dpi.nc.gov |
Course Status | Standard |
Course Type | Adapted |
POL (Proof of Learning) | PBM (Performance-based Measurement) |
Credential as POL | N/A |
Curriculum Date | Summer 2023 |
Hours of Instruction | 135-150 |
Recommended Maximum Enrollment | 25 |
Course Credit | 1 |
Inherently Honors | No |
Meets Computer Science (CS) Graduation Requirement | No |
Math Option Credit | No |
Prerequisite Course(s) | None |
Aligned Credential(s) or Certification(s) | FAA Trust |
CTSO(s)(Career and Technical Student Organization) | An Association for Marketing Education Students (DECA) Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) HOSA - Future Health Professionals North Carolina FFA Association SkillsUSA Technology Student Association (TSA) The National FFA Organization |