2025-2026 Course Information

WARNING: This information is considered DRAFT until August 22, 2025.

HL31 Dental Anatomy I

Course NumberHL31
Course TitleDental Anatomy I
Course DescriptionThe goal of this course is to equip the student with an ability to recognize dental terminology and structures of the head, neck, tooth, and oral cavity. Students will gain knowledge in dental charting procedures, and recognize microbiology, disease transmission, and terms. Students will execute infection control measures, disinfection, and sterilization procedures.
Course Lead ConsultantLCO
Course StatusLCO
Course TypeDeveloped
POL (Proof of Learning)Local
Credential as POLN/A
Curriculum DateSummer 2024
Hours of Instruction135-150
Recommended Maximum Enrollment20
Course Credit1
Inherently HonorsNo
Meets Computer Science (CS) Graduation RequirementNo
Math Option CreditNo
Prerequisite Course(s)None
Aligned Credential(s) or Certification(s)First Aid
Stop the Bleed
(Career and Technical Student Organization)
HOSA - Future Health Professionals