2025-2026 Course Information
WARNING: This information is considered DRAFT until August 22, 2025.
AL11 Agricultural Production I
Course Number | AL11 |
Course Title | Agricultural Production I |
Course Description | This course focuses on the basic scientific principles and processes related to the production of plants and animals for the food and fiber systems. Topics of instruction include basic understanding of the livestock/poultry industry and its various components, career opportunities, soil science, crop science/agronomy, weed science, basic agricultural machinery and related industry careers, environmental stewardship, and leadership/personal development. |
Course Lead Consultant | LCO |
Course Status | LCO |
Course Type | Developed |
POL (Proof of Learning) | Local |
Credential as POL | N/A |
Curriculum Date | Summer 2023 |
Hours of Instruction | 135-150 |
Recommended Maximum Enrollment | None |
Course Credit | 1 |
Inherently Honors | No |
Meets Computer Science (CS) Graduation Requirement | No |
Math Option Credit | No |
Prerequisite Course(s) | None |
Aligned Credential(s) or Certification(s) | North Carolina Beef Quality AssuranceYouth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) |
CTSO(s)(Career and Technical Student Organization) | The National FFA Organization North Carolina FFA Association |