2025-2026 Course Information
WARNING: This information is considered DRAFT until August 22, 2025.
AL43 Turfgrass Management
Course Number | AL43 |
Course Title | Turfgrass Management |
Course Description | Turfgrass Management is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of turfgrass science as related to the turfgrass industry. This course will provide fundamental knowledge to include turfgrass careers, educational requirements, turfgrass identification and functions, establishment and renovation, Best Management Practices, the relationship between pH and fertility, turfgrass math, equipment calibration, drainage and irrigation, turf equipment and maintenance, personnel and business management, soft skills, resume and cover letter development, interviewing, crew management, budgeting and estimates, and golf course etiquette. |
Course Lead Consultant | LCO |
Course Status | LCO |
Course Type | Developed |
POL (Proof of Learning) | Local |
Credential as POL | N/A |
Curriculum Date | Summer 2023 |
Hours of Instruction | 135-150 |
Recommended Maximum Enrollment | 25 |
Course Credit | 1 |
Inherently Honors | No |
Meets Computer Science (CS) Graduation Requirement | No |
Math Option Credit | No |
Prerequisite Course(s) | AP41 Horticulture I |
Aligned Credential(s) or Certification(s) | NC Private Pesticide Applicator |
CTSO(s)(Career and Technical Student Organization) | The National FFA Organization North Carolina FFA Association |