2025-2026 Course Information

WARNING: This information is considered DRAFT until August 22, 2025.

IL53 Marine Occupations I

Course NumberIL53
Course TitleMarine Occupations I
Course DescriptionThis locally-developed course includes curriculum content from the U.S. Power Squadron's American Boating Course, Engine Maintenance, Seamanship, Piloting, Weather, and Navigation. Successful completion of this course leads to a U.S. Power Squadron Safe Boating Certificate in addition to the N.C. Safe Boating Certificate. Students gain basic seamanship skills which include: how weather systems form, behave, move and interact with each other, as well as understanding maritime navigation, reading and using navigational charts, using piloting tools, safe boat handling, navigational rules, government regulations, marine propulsion systems, basic engine components, electrical and starting systems, hull design and performance, and use of GPS systems.
Course Lead ConsultantLCO
Course StatusLCO
Course TypeNone
POL (Proof of Learning)Local
Credential as POLN/A
Curriculum DateSummer 2021
Hours of Instruction135-150
Recommended Maximum EnrollmentNone
Course Credit1
Inherently HonorsNo
Meets Computer Science (CS) Graduation RequirementNo
Math Option CreditNo
Prerequisite Course(s)None
Aligned Credential(s) or Certification(s)North Carolina Boater Education Certificate
(Career and Technical Student Organization)
The National FFA Organization