2025-2026 Course Information
WARNING: This information is considered DRAFT until August 22, 2025.
AU22 Sustainable Agriculture Production II
Course Number | AU22 |
Course Title | Sustainable Agriculture Production II |
Course Description | Enhance knowledge of 21st century agriculture through the continued exploration of renewable energy, precision agriculture biotechnology and sustainable agriculture breeding programs in an experiential setting. Implement production methods to sustain a growing population in the areas of bees, aquaponics, mushrooms, and vermicomposting. Facilitate the business and marketing aspects of agriculture production systems. Convey food safety practices in each facet of agriculture production. Build leadership and employability skills through authentic experiences from Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE), classroom instruction, and FFA participation. Gain the knowledge and skills for careers in the Sustainable Agriculture pathway. |
Course Lead Consultant | Sherilee Deal sdeal2@ncsu.edu |
Course Status | Standard |
Course Type | Developed |
POL (Proof of Learning) | Local |
Credential as POL | N/A |
Curriculum Date | Summer 2023 |
Hours of Instruction | 135-150 |
Recommended Maximum Enrollment | 25 |
Course Credit | 1 |
Inherently Honors | No |
Meets Computer Science (CS) Graduation Requirement | No |
Math Option Credit | No |
Prerequisite Course(s) | AU21 Sustainable Agriculture Production I |
Aligned Credential(s) or Certification(s) | Certified Beekeeper |
CTSO(s)(Career and Technical Student Organization) | The National FFA Organization North Carolina FFA Association |