2025-2026 Credential Information
WARNING: This information is considered DRAFT until August 22, 2025.
Certified Welder per Welding Code AWS D1.1 (SMAW)
Credential Name | Certified Welder per Welding Code AWS D1.1 (SMAW) |
Credential Vendor Info | American Welding Society (AWS) https://www.aws.org/about/page/contact |
Credential Auto Collect | No |
Diploma Endorsement | IM62 = Yes |
Validation Artifact | Copy of AWS Certified Welder Card or documentation from AWS Testing Facility or any third-party that assures AWS code is met. |
Credential Lead Consultant | Jim Pressly james.pressly@dpi.nc.gov |
Course Number and Title | IM62 Welding Technology II |
Credential as POL | IM62 POL = Yes      AWS SENSE Entry Welder Program - Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW). Must pass all modules OR Certified Welder per Welding Code AWS D1.1 (SMAW) |
Cost of Instructor Training | N/A |
Instructor Training Requirements | Available |
Exam Voucher Expiration | N/A |
Credential Lifespan | AWS Certification remains valid as long as Certification Maintenance Form is submitted every six months as required by the Code of Acceptance governing the test. Visit the Certified Welder page on the AWS site for renewal pricing. As long as verification is provided (employer signs the form) that the same welding is performed as originally tested for, certification will still be valid. https://www.aws.org/certification/CW_FAQs |
Renewal Options | Yes The Certified Welder must complete a welder performance qualification test and submit an application to AWS. |
Articulation | No |
Sequencing | Yes AWS has various levels of welding certification. |
Employer Transferability | No The employee will most likely need to recertify for new welding process used by the employer. |
Delivery Format | Performance-based |
Proctored Environment Required | Yes |
Test Site Options and Requirements | Instructor must be a AWS Certified Welding Inspector or a Accredited Test Facilities. https://www.aws.org/certification/AccreditedTestFacilities |
Testing Environment Requirements | Photo ID required |
Proctored Requirements | Must be conducted through an AWS Accredited Test Facility with a CWI that did not train the student recently: https://www.senseonline.org/local/staticpage/view.php?page=program-faqs |
Exam Time Allotment | Varies depending on weld performed |
Exam Passing Requirement | Performance test only |
Retakes | Yes If a student fails the test, they may retest at any time. It is best to discuss this with the AWS Accredited Test Facility representative, who will be able to assist in scheduling a new test date. https://www.aws.org/certification/CW_FAQs |
Student Accommodations | Yes AWS ADA Accommodations Request Package: https://www.aws.org/library/doclib/1195-Certification-Examination-ADA-20170602.pdf |
Multilingual Resources* | No |
Directory Notes | Students must be able to pass SMAW welding requirements per AWS D1.1. Students should collect pass/fail documentation from the testing facility utilized. https://www.aws.org/certification/page/certified-welder-program |