2025-2026 Credential Information
WARNING: This information is considered DRAFT until August 22, 2025.
AWS SENSE Entry Welder Program - Flux Cored Arc Welding Process
Credential Name | AWS SENSE Entry Welder Program - Flux Cored Arc Welding Process |
Credential Vendor Info | American Welding Society (AWS) SENSE sense@aws.org 800.443.9353 or 305.443.9353 ext. 225 https://www.senseonline.org When emailing, include first and last name, organization's name, and whether a student or an instructor is inquiring. |
Credential Auto Collect | No |
Diploma Endorsement | IM63 = Yes |
Validation Artifact | AWS SENSE Completion report |
Credential Lead Consultant | Jim Pressly james.pressly@dpi.nc.gov |
Course Number and Title | IM63 Welding Technology III |
Credential as POL | IM63 POL = Yes      AWS SENSE - Entry Welder FCAW AND AWS SENSE -Entry Welder GMAW MUST PASS BOTH --OR-- Certified Welder per Welding Code AWS D1.1 (GMAW) AND Certified Welder per Welding Code AWS D1.1 (FCAW) MUST PASS BOTH |
Cost of Instructor Training | N/A |
Instructor Training Requirements | Available |
Exam Voucher Expiration | N/A |
Credential Lifespan | Continuation of Full Completers in the AWS SENSE certificate database. AWS QC10, Clause 11, indicates an individual with full completion as a Level 1-Entry Welder status shall remain in the AWS SENSE certificate database for three (3) years, after which time a permanent record shall be archived. https://www.senseonline.org/pluginfile.php/198640/mod_folder/content/0/EG20-2017_FinalPrint.pdf?forcedownload=1 |
Renewal Options | N/A No renewal https://www.senseonline.org/local/staticpage/view.php?page=program-faqs |
Articulation | No |
Sequencing | Yes AWS SENSE has Level I and Level II. It then would go to Certified Welder. |
Employer Transferability | Yes The credential stays with the employee. |
Delivery Format | On-line and Performance-based |
Proctored Environment Required | Yes |
Test Site Options and Requirements | The SENSE Program requires a one-time registration fee to be accompanied with the registration form. The SENSE registration fee varies depending on the level of implementation. There is no registration renewal fee. The student administrative fee for each level is paid through the school. Each SENSE participating location and campus must be registered and paid for separately. https://www.senseonline.org/local/staticpage/view.php?page=aboutsense-become |
Testing Environment Requirements | N/A |
Proctored Requirements | An individual employed by a SENSE Training Organization who is not engaged in the active training of trainees and who is responsible for administering all knowledge-based SENSE assessments AWS SENSE Application, page 4: https://s3.amazonaws.com/docs.senseonline.org/SENSE-Application_202108.pdf |
Exam Time Allotment | Varies. Student takes knowledge and performance assessments througout the semester. |
Exam Passing Requirement | 100% on the safety module and 75% on other modules, plus pass the performance test |
Retakes | Yes Trainees shall be allowed up to three attempts to pass a knowledge exam. If a trainee fails to achieve a passing grade after three attempts, they shall be retrained in that area. (AWS QC10:2017, page 5) |
Student Accommodations | Yes The SENSE Program allows instructors to extend all exams by the number of hours as prescribed in an IEP or 504 plan for each student. |
Multilingual Resources* | No |
Directory Notes | For workmanship samples and Performance Qualifications Tests, the instructor is allowed to be the inspector. For knowledge-based assessments, an Assessment Coordinator is required. https://www.senseonline.org |