2025-2026 Credential Information

WARNING: This information is considered DRAFT until August 22, 2025.

The North Carolina Office of Career and Technical Education provides multiple opportunities for students to obtain Industry-Recognized Credentials during their high school career.
Industry-recognized credentials hold immense value as they not only validate student skills and knowledge in a specific field but also serve as a powerful stepping stone toward future careers.

They provide a competitive edge in the job market, making students more attractive to potential employers and increasing their earning potential.
Moreover, industry-recognized credentials often lead to more job opportunities and pathways for advancement, helping students embark on successful and fulfilling career journeys.
Beyond the immediate benefits, these credentials instill a sense of accomplishment and confidence, motivating students to pursue higher education or dive directly into the workforce with the skills and certifications needed to excel.
Ultimately, industry-recognized credentials empower high school students to bridge the gap between education and real-world employment, setting them on a path toward a brighter and more prosperous future.

Access the NCDPI Credentials and Reporting website to submit a credential application and to view the latest Credential Attainment Report.

^ Indicates the pathway is an approved Local Course Option (LCO) pathway.

* Where multilingual exams are indicated, please be advised that the state of North Carolina adheres to general statute as follows:
G.S.§115C-81.45(a) requires classes (silent on exams) to be conducted in English "[e]xcept when a board authorizes teaching in a foreign language to comply with federal law."
Therefore, NC CTE will abide with the Accountability guidance that LEAs are not required to provide exams in other languages. If they choose to do so, it will be at local discretion.

Pre-Professional Certification in Interior Design Fundamentals

Credential NamePre-Professional Certification in Interior Design Fundamentals
Credential Vendor InfoAmerican Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
Helen Fuqua
Associate Director - Credentialing Programs
Credential Auto CollectNo
Diploma EndorsementFI22 = Yes
Validation ArtifactCopy of certificate OR Score List report
Credential Lead ConsultantValerie Williams
Course Number and TitleFI22 Interior Design II - Studio
Credential as POLFI22 POL = No
Cost of Instructor Training$0.00
Instructor Training RequirementsRequired
Exam Voucher ExpirationJune 30 of the testing year
Credential Lifespan3 years
Renewal OptionsYes
Retest required
Visit this website for the current list of Post-Secondary Articulations for all PrePAC exams.
Employer TransferabilityNo
Delivery FormatOn-line
Proctored Environment RequiredYes
Requires test site approval
Test Site Options and RequirementsTest sites are defined by the structure or level of testing and data reporting needed by the site. It is not defined by the actual physical test location. Must meet qualifications and agree to stipulations outlined on site:
Testing Environment RequirementsN/A
Proctored RequirementsPerson who administers test must be test site employees. Teachers of record MAY NOT serve as the sole proctor:
Exam Time AllotmentNot timed
Exam Passing RequirementThe national cut-score for pre-professional certification eligibility is established annually by AAFCS, is posted to this website by August 1 of each year, and remains in effect until June 30 of the following academic year:
School can purchase a test/retest package where participants can get two attempts. Schools can still purchase extra retakes if package was not purchased.
Student AccommodationsYes
Multilingual Resources*Yes
See Student Accommodations link. Test is not translated into other languages, but with proper documentation a translator may read the test to the student, following the guidelines of the proctor.
Directory NotesTeacher can pull a score report (Certification Status Template) from Pre-PAC Management System. Students also receive a certificate indicating they earned the certification. Each test site has log in credentials to access the Pre-PAC Data Reporting System OR student certificate. Pre-PAC test sites must seek AAFCS approval each testing year.