2025-2026 Credential Information
WARNING: This information is considered DRAFT until August 22, 2025.
ANSI - Accredited Food Protection Manager Certification
Credential Name | ANSI - Accredited Food Protection Manager Certification |
Credential Vendor Info | Safe Plates Ellen Shumaker ncsafeplates@ncsu.edu https://www.ncstate.myvlp.com/ ServSafe Lauren Robin Manager of K-12 Sales Academic Market 233 S. Wacker Drive, Suite 3600 | Chicago, IL 60606-6383 lrobin@restaurant.org 312.627.2424 https://www.ahlei.org/Certifications/ |
Credential Auto Collect | No |
Diploma Endorsement | FH11 = Yes FH12 = Yes FN42 = Yes |
Validation Artifact | Copy of certificate OR Score List report |
Credential Lead Consultant | Gwen Turner gwen.turner@dpi.nc.gov |
Course Number and Title | FH11 Culinary Arts and Hospitality II AppFH12 Culinary Arts and Hospitality II InternshipFN42 Food and Nutrition II |
Credential as POL | FH11 POL = NoFH12 POL = NoFN42 POL = No |
Cost of Instructor Training | Safe Plates $0.00 ServSafe $0.00 Becoming a certified instructor is not required but HIGHLY recommended. Instructor resources are complimentary when an instructor has a valid Manager Certification and is registered with ServSafe to become a Manager Instructor. ServSafe recommends becoming a DUAL instructor/proctor. Instructional materials are available for purchase. |
Instructor Training Requirements | Safe Plates Required https://www.nrfsp.com/exam-center/become-a-test-administrator-proctor/#become-a-test-administrator-proctor Also see the proctor training infosheet or Summer Conference PowerPoint that outlines specific steps for falling under the NC Cooperative Extension. ServSafe Required Instructor needs a valid Manager Certification and must apply to become a ServSafe Manager Instructor. ServSafe prefers a dual instructor/proctor application. |
Exam Voucher Expiration | Safe Plates 6-12 months, depending on the batch. Suggestion is to order by semester. ServSafe None Manager Exams, both online and paper, do not expire. |
Credential Lifespan | Safe Plates 5 years ServSafe 5 years |
Renewal Options | Safe Plates Yes Course has to be retaken to renew after certificate expiration. ServSafe Yes Take the Manager exam again; the course does not have to be retaken. |
Articulation | No |
Sequencing | Safe Plates No ServSafe No |
Employer Transferability | Safe Plates Yes ServSafe Yes |
Delivery Format | Safe Plates On-line ServSafe On-line |
Proctored Environment Required | Safe Plates Yes ServSafe Yes |
Test Site Options and Requirements | Safe Plates See exam site requirements in proctor handbook (page 10-12). Site checklist also: https://www.nrfsp.com/wp-content/uploads/Documents/Food_Manager/Examination_Site_Checklist-Manager.pdf ServSafe ServSafe exams may be given by a registered proctor in the classroom. Requirements are posted in the instructor/proctor portion of the ServeSafe website: https://www.servsafe.com/Instructors-Proctors |
Testing Environment Requirements | Safe Plates See exam site requirements in proctor handbook (page 10-12). Site checklist also: https://www.nrfsp.com/wp-content/uploads/Documents/Food_Manager/Examination_Site_Checklist-Manager.pdf ServSafe Proctors must follow ServSafe rules explicitly: https://www.servsafe.com/ |
Proctored Requirements | Safe Plates Cannot have taken CFPM exam within six months Must complete Proctor Training and follow all NRFSP guidelines ServSafe Person(s) will have to have an account with ServSafe and register to become a proctor. This typically takes 40 minutes to complete with a short quiz. |
Exam Time Allotment | Safe Plates 2 hours ServSafe 2 hours |
Exam Passing Requirement | Safe Plates 75% or higher ServSafe A passing score is 70% or higher, obtained by answering at least 56 out of 80 questions correctly. The exam has 90 questions; however, there are 10 pilot questions that are for research purposes only. |
Retakes | Safe Plates Yes An examinee may take the exam twice within a 30-day period, if needed. If three or more attempts are required, the examinee must wait at least 60 days from their last exam attempt. No more than four attempts are allowed in a 12-month period. Not passing the exam is the only legitimate reason to retest. ServSafe Yes Two attempts within 30 days. Must wait 60 days after last attempt for 3-4 attempts. No more than four attempts in a 12-month period. Extra exams/retakes will have to be purchased. |
Student Accommodations | Safe Plates Yes See handbook page 13. Accommodation form: https://www.nrfsp.com/wp-content/uploads/Documents/Food_Manager/Exam-Accommodation-Request-Form.pdf ServSafe No Accommodations are available (extra time and allowing a read-aloud). There is an accommodations form that needs to be completed by the instructor and sent back to SafePlates to flag the student's exam: https://www.servsafe.com/Instructors-Proctors |
Multilingual Resources* | Safe Plates Yes Online exam options are English and Spanish. Paper exams can be ordered in English, Spanish, Traditional Chinese, Modern Chinese, and Korean. The SPFM curriculum is not available in languages other than English. ServSafe Yes Online exams are offered in English, Spanish, and Simplified Chinese. Paper-based exams are offered in English, English Large Print, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Canadian French. |
Directory Notes | Safe Plates Voucher order form is located on the FCS PLC Moodle for SafePlates. Use proctor manual in preparation for administering this exam: https://www.nrfsp.com/wp-content/uploads/Documents/Food_Manager/NRFSP-Test-Administrator-Proctor-Handbook.pdf ServSafe None |