- Teacher: Michelle Bridges
- Teacher: Amy Cannon
- Teacher: Paul Davis
- Teacher: Betty Laws
- Teacher: Deborah McKee
- Teacher: Stephanie Thompson
- Teacher: JOHN WORLEY
Access to Testing News, updates, bulletins, memos, Administrative Guides, Test Materials Ordering, shipping calendars, and test materials handling information.
- Administrator: Tereca Batts
- Administrator: Stephanie Boyd
- Administrator: Michelle Bridges
- Administrator: Molly Britt
- Administrator: Jaime Denny
- Administrator: Tammy Howard
- Administrator: Iris Irving
- Administrator: Lindsay May
- Administrator: Swetha Pamulaparthy
- Administrator: Curtis Sonneman
- Administrator: Wendy Wooten
How to use Winscan, scanners, and how to create reports in Winscan and Individual Report software.
- Administrator: Stephanie Boyd
- Administrator: Jaime Kelley
The Center for Urban Affairs and Community Services provides access to secure state test materials to non-public schools through the Non-Public Schools Testing Program (NPSTS). This program is sanctioned by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and is operated on a cost recovery basis.
- Administrator: Austin Ambrose
- Administrator: Deanna Kolski
- Administrator: Chuck Quick
- Administrator: Brian Swiger
NCTest is the application used to deliver online tests to North Carolina schools. This course details the NCTest application, requirements, and features.
The Accountability Configuration Control Board is an oversight group that advises on Accountability systems changes and enhancements to meet overall goals of efficent an effective solutions for statewide student information.
- Administrator: Tereca Batts
- Administrator: Stephanie Boyd
- Administrator: Tanja Carroll
- Administrator: Tammy Howard
- Administrator: Shannon Jordan
- Administrator: Paul Kinsey
- Administrator: LUCY MEDLIN
- Administrator: Curtis Sonneman
- Administrator: Wendy Wooten
The purpose of this course is for collaboration and communication between NCDPI Accountability and the Regional Accountability staff.
- Administrator: Tanja Carroll
- Administrator: Tammy Howard
- Administrator: LUCY MEDLIN
This course contains documentation on SAS server, workstation installations, connection and use.