
  • Web Browser-based online assessment - should work with recent versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) and Firefox (these browsers have been used during development work) running on standard workstations and laptop computers. Suggested browsers include:
    • IE 7, 8 (IE 6 is NOT supported.)
    • Firefox 3.5+
    • Safari 5+
    • Recent versions of Chrome and Opera should work, but have not been tested
  • Recommended Screen Minimum Resolution = 1024 x 768
  • Adobe Flash 9 or better required
  • JavaScript must be allowed in web browsers used to access the test(s)
  • Session state cookies must be allowed in web browsers used to access the test(s)
  • LEAs/schools must allow all web traffic fromĀ (standard and secure).
  • Pop-up windows have to be allowed fromĀ in order to force the web browser into full-screen mode
  • Pop-up windows must be allowed to open in a new window. Pop-up windows must NOT open in a tabbed window.
  • Test takers WILL NOT have to move to windows outside of the test administration window.
  • Soft or no section breaks except for the Civics and Economics test - test takers can navigate forward and backward across the entire test until completed
  • Bandwidth footprint per student test session is similar to many other Internet applications. For a responsive testing environment, please attempt to allot 56 Kbps per student of clear bandwidth to accommodate both upstream and downstream traffic. In situations where clear bandwidth is limited or widely fluctuates during the test, administrators should prepare for the test to respond more slowly and therefore students may need more time to complete the test. Since the Online Assessment Tutorial uses the Internet and the same hosts as the test envrionment it can be used to estimate the number of students that may be able to concurrently test at your location. Run as many concurrent tutorial sessions as possible during a day and time that matches the day and time tests are planned to be given -- if problems occur reduce numbers of sessions unless other issues are suspected.
Last modified: Monday, 23 May 2011, 8:05 AM