• Registration
    • The eligible participants are students sampled or currently enrolled in the course either at the school or through a virtual online course for which the test is required.
    • Registration and SIQ entry of participants is handled within NCRegistration.
    • Scheduling of testing sessions handled within NCRegistration.
    • No scores will be reported from any field testing or item tryout.
    • Participants must be registered, SIQs entered, and sessions scheduled in NCRegistration prior to the administration.
  • Administration Details
    • Students taking the test must be registered in NCRegistration before an administration.
    • SIQs must be completed before testing for students who received accommodations and/or need specialized interface adjustements.
    • Standard administrations should be completed on the same day. If they are not closed by the student, then the system will force completion during overnight processing.
    • Scrap paper is required
    • A Flash-based scientific calculator will be provided within the test interface for tests where calculators are appropriate. Physical calculators are also required and procedures for using located in the appropriate Test Administrator's Manual must be followed.
    • Students MUST NOT open another web browser, local application, or other Internet-based service application (Instant Messenger, etc.) while taking an online assessment.
Last modified: Monday, 18 April 2011, 9:03 AM