Most recent changes shown in this format.

NCTest Chrome App Required for Desktops and Laptops: The NCDPI requires the use of the Chrome App for desktop and laptop computers for the 2015-16 school year.

Tablet App Required: The NCDPI requires the use of a free app for iPads. Schools using iPad devices during the 2015-16 school year will be required to download and install this free app on each device (or make available through mobile/domain device management) before students complete the Online Assessment Tutorial requirement.  The latest version of the native tablet app will be required to access NCTest.

Chromebooks: Chromebooks must use the NCTest Chrome App for the 2015-16 school year and the Chromebook must also meet all technical and settings requirements. Schools are required to use managed chromebooks with settings and login processes that restrict a student’s ability to access additional resources during the test administration. Details of the approved procedure for Chromebooks is provided below. Chromebooks must be set to use the NCTest Chrome App.

Windows XP, Vista, and OS X 10.6 and below use for 2015-16: These OS are no longer supported by their publishing companies. Therefore, computers running these OSes will not be allowed for online testing and data collection for 2015-16.

BYOD Requirements: Schools permitting the use of devices NOT owned or leased by the LEA/school to be used for state online assessments must have a plan in place that addresses security concerns including ability and permission to: 1) monitor device use, 2) install and uninstall programs or apps for testing and security monitoring/enforcement, 3) secure the device before and after testing as needed to install or uninstall programs or for close inspection.  Additionally, LEAs/schools permitting use of devices NOT owned or leased by the LEA/school to be used for state online assessments must have Acceptable Use Policies that include detailed provisions that address state online testing security and student/parent consequences for tampering and violation.

Virtual Environments: Virtual Machines managed by the LEA/school either remote or locally run that meet the requirements of device environments listed here are permitted to be used for state online assessments.

NOTE: Devices running Linux or Microsoft Windows RT, XP, Vista will NOT be supported during the 2015-16 school year.



Type of Install
and Availability

Locally Managed 
Requirements and

Tech Specs

Windows 7
Windows 10

Mac OS X 10.7 +

Google Chrome Browser 43+ with NCTest Chrome App version 3.7

  1. Install Chrome Browser from Google
  2. From Chrome Store search for NCTest and add the App to your Chrome Browser



Enforce availability of and Enforce minimum number of locally running applications running at the same time as Chrome Browser with NCTest Chrome App (only minimum OS, antivirus, security tools, etc. should be running on computers for the best performance). Antivirus and security software must be set to permit Chrome Browser to install and run and load the NCTest Chrome App.

  • Pentium 4 or newer for Windows and Intel for Macs,
  • 512MB of RAM,
  • 350MB of available file space
  • 9.5" or larger screen
  • 1024 horizontal screen resolution
  • Chrome/Chromium 43+
  • NCTest Chrome App 3.7

Windows RT, XP, Vista

NOT SUPPORTED for 2015-16
Linux NOT SUPPORTED for 2015-16
iPad iOS v.7+

iPad NCTest App (latest version)

Download from Store.

Place iPad into Guided Access.

See iPad Restrictions for information concerning Guided Access.

If Guided Access is not used, iPads must be restricted per the iPad Restrictions.

  • Latest version available
  • 9.5" or larger screen
  • The NCTest tablet apps are designed for the use of the touch interface to respond to technology-enhanced items and access online tools.   Physical keyboards and optional touch devices may be used by students if proven by local technical and accountability staff to create no advantage or cause no technical issues. Keyboards and optional touch devices selected for use by an LEA must be tested locally for functionality through the Online Assessment Tutorial well in advance of test day.


Chrome with NCTest Chrome App version 3.7 or higher

No install necessary as Chrome browser is required for Chromebooks. NCTest Chrome App 3.7 will require set up and configuration.

NCTest Chrome App version 3.7 is available in the Chrome App Store. Updated information regarding use of the NCTest Chrome App will be posted here when available.

Screen Resolution Adjustment: Chromebook  models come with a pre-set single screen resolution. On some models, the resolution will be unacceptable for NCTest use. In order to "change" the resolution, local administrators/technicians must use the Settings option (from the menu in the top right hand corner), and click on 'Show Advanced Settings...'. Once the advanced settings are visible, adjust the Page Zoom lower than 100%. Some experimentation may be required to find what value works best; the width of the pre-set Chromebook model resolution divided by 1024 is a reasonable starting place. NOTE: The reverse is also true. If your resolution is correct by default, zooming in may make the resolution too low.

Set up instructions as a Kiosk Chrome App (optional)

Chrome Device Managment Required:



  • 9.5" or larger screen
  • Version 43 of Chrome/Chromium or higher required.  Latest version is recommended.
  • NCTest Chrome App 3.7 or higher

Last modified: Wednesday, 6 January 2016, 2:56 PM