This graph shows a typical day of network traffic for NC State University during the time that the majority of online EOC and EOG testing would occur.

Network Utilization Typical Day NCSU


This graph shows two (2) single instances of the NCTest web application being used to take a test; 1) with a general student administration and 2) an administration which as the accommodation of Computer Reads Aloud - Student Controlled.

Footprint Graph


The chart below shows potential start up rates per 5 minute windows for different common bandwidth values.

Local Start Up Rate Potential Graph


The graph below shows 50 students (40 general and 10 with audio) using NCTest with administrators using a 30 minute period to get computers ready.

Potential Utilization 50 users


The graph below shows 320 students using NCTest with test administrators using 30 minutes to get computers ready.

Potential Utilization with 320 users

Last modified: Monday, 19 November 2012, 12:34 PM