2024-2025 Career Pathways by Cluster

Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources (AGNR)

Architecture & Construction (ARCH)

Animal Science (ANSC)Carpentry (CARP)
Equine Science (EQSC)Drafting Architectural (DRFA)
Food Products and Processing Systems (FPPR)Electrical Trades (ELTR)
Natural Resources (NARE)HVACR (HVAC)
Plant Systems (PLSV)Interior Design (INDE)
Power, Structural, and Technical Systems (PSTE)Masonry (MASO)
Sustainable Agriculture (SUAG)Plumbing (PLUM)
Solar Photovoltaics (SOLR)

Arts, A/V Technology, & Communications (AAVC)

Business Management & Administration (BMA)

3D Modeling and Animation (TDMA)Business Ethics and Law (BSEL)
Adobe Academy (ADAC)Entrepreneurship (ENTRE)
Adobe Video Design (AVID)General Management (GMGT)
Apparel and Textile Production (ATPR)Project Management (PMGT)
Game Art Design (GAAR)

Education & Training (EDUC)

Finance (FINA)

Teaching/Training (TETR)Accounting (ACCT)
Economics (ECON)
Financial Planning (FNPL)

Government and Public Administration (GOVT)

Health Science (HLTH)

NoneBiomedical Technology (BTCP)
Healthcare Professional (HPCP)
PLTW Biotechnology Research and Development (PLWB)
SREB Health Informatics (HEIN)

Hospitality & Tourism (HOSP)

Human Services (HUMA)

Culinary Arts Applications (CULA)Counseling and Mental Health (CMHC)
Culinary Arts Internship (CULI)Early Childhood Development and Services (EACH)
Hospitality and Tourism Management (HOTM)Food and Nutrition (FONU)
Sport and Event Marketing (SEMK)

Information Technology (INFO)

Law, Public Safety, Corrections, & Security (LAW)

AP Computer Science (APCS)Emergency Management (EMMG)
Cisco Network Engineering (CNEN)Emergency Medical Technology (EMMT)
Computer Engineering (COEN)Firefighter Technology (FIFI)
Computer Science Principles (CSPR)Law and Justice (LAWJ)
Data Science (DTSC)Public Safety (PSPW)
Network Administration (NEAD)
Network Security (NESE)
Python Programming (PYPR)
Swift Develop (SWDV)

Manufacturing (MANU)

Marketing (MRKT)

Advanced Manufacturing (ADMA)Marketing Management (MMGT)
Metals Manufacturing (MEMA)Sales (PRSM)
SREB Automated Materials Joining (AUMJ)
SREB Integrated Production Technologies (INPT)
Welding (WELD)
Woodworking (WOWO)

Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM)

Transportation, Distribution & Logistics (TRAN)

Drafting Engineering (DREN)Automotive Service (AUTO)
PLTW Engineering (PLWE)Collision Repair (COLL)
SREB Aerospace Engineering (AEEN)Drone Technology (DRON)
SREB Clean Energy Technology (CENT)SREB Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management (GLSC)
SREB Energy and Power (ENPO)
SREB Innovations in Science and Technology (INST)
Technology Engineering and Design (TEND)